Feb 24, 2021 2:00 PM
Rochelle Ripley

hawkwing began with a promise Rochelle Ripley made to her Lakota grandmother to “go home and help the People.”  “Home” is the Cheyenne River Lakota/Sioux Reservation, South Dakota, a land of beauty, wilderness, inspiration and heart wrenching poverty. The Cheyenne River Lakota Reservation is the poorest county in the United States with limited healthcare, a life expectancy of only age 48, 85% unemployment and an average annual income per person of only $2,926. 


hawkwing brings basic need items: food, clothing, medical supplies, personal care items, books and toys to some 2,600 children and 500 Elders on the Reservation. hawkwing brings doctors, nurses and dentists to the Reservation for health services, and construction volunteers to repair dilapidated homes, community buildings and special projects. hawkwing brings hope, respects culture, supports families, promotes life and keeps promises.

Visit https://www.hawkwing.org/ for more information.